Thursday, March 29, 2007

Rock, Meet Bottom

This reminds me of the time I saw a guy going through a dumpster at the Goodwill store. I figured, geez, if you're destitute enough to pick the trash that even the second-hand store doesn't want ... welcome to Rock Bottom.
Rock bottom for the Miss America Pageant is being dropped by Country Music Television [CMT]. If you can't get the "Earthbound" viewers of CMT to ogle women for three hours, then I guess it's Doomsday for the old skin show. CMT is television Rock Bottom. There really isn't any place for them to go now other than local public access or your cell phone.
All those women look alike to me anyway. No variety. Plus, it's a tad on the Barbaric and Brainless side. They try to couch it as a "Scholarship Pageant", but that's a hard sell. Besides, I don't even get the CMT.

Go quietly into that good night.


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