When are we ever going to get over this nonsense that parts of the body are "offensive and disgusting?" It's a baby and mother, for chrissakes. My guess is that the people calling the magazine cover disgusting have other issues that they should explore over at Psychology Today magazine.
LONDON (Reuters) - Hundreds of Britons are being urged to attend what is being branded as Europe's first "Masturbate-a-thon", a leading reproductive healthcare charity said on Friday. Marie Stopes International, which is hosting the event with HIV/AIDS charity the Terrence Higgins Trust, said it expected up to 200 people to attend the sponsored masturbation session in Clerkenwell, central London, on Saturday. The Marie Stopes spokeswoman said local religious groups had been initially outraged, but after people had heard what the event was about, most had approved it. Police had also given it their approval.
It's a shame they didn't ask the police and religious groups to approve the magazine cover. God knows, the only way to raise money to fight AIDS is to masturbate in public. Great idea.
Group masturbation in public - Good
Magazine cover showing a baby and mother - Bad
Is it any wonder that a lot of kids are growing up with whacky ideas about sex? MySpace gets the blame, while parents and social groups walk away scot free.