Sunday, October 22, 2006

Doing My Part

My downstairs neighbor commissioned his son to build a bird feeder for our little tree outside the condo. He put together this metal cylinder with screws for the birds to sit on. The thing looks like it was assembled by the military, complete with big screws holding the bottom plate to the cylinder and a removable metal cap with a hook.

It holds an entire bag of bird seed, and fortunately, the tree has grown a bit over the last few years, because the strong limbs are necessary to hold the weight of the steel and seed, plus whatever lucky animals happen to find their lunch under our tree.

So far, we haven't seen many birds...
...but we are doing our part to keep the local squirrels fat and happy. The little bastards ate through the whole thing in less than a week, and notice how the bottom makes a nice resting place for his furry ass.


msliberty said...

This is darling. I am counting the days until I can have a yard in which to scatter all assortment of nut and seed for passing traveler.

kimmyk said...

So sweet!

He did a good job it appears. You're lucky you don't have bears there. When we lived in Arkansas the brown bears would come down and eat the birds food.

Tell the kid to put some corn on a stick and the squirrels will leave the seed alone then.

Some days I am reminded of how country I really am.

Anthony said...

Corn on a stick? What makes you think I wouldn't eat it?

I like corn.

Pam said...

we tried the corn but no go. the squirrels love the black oil sunflower seeds. In fact all the animals love it. It's a way to attract all the wildlife into one's backyard.

Of course, we tried switching types of bird seed, but the birds snubbed their noses too. They will sift through the mixed seed and eat all the sunflower seeds and leave the rest. *sigh*

Katherine said...

Heck, just do what my father-in-law does: wrap electrified wire around the pole to the bird feeder so squirrels trying to climb up get quite a shock.

supergirlest said...

poor squirrels that wander into our backyard are met with our no squirrel lovin' dogs. :( i love it when we go for a walk and the little tricksters pelt us with acron remains. bebe thinks they're kitties. he meows when he sees one.

i have to say, though - that's one righteous bird feeder!