Usually, people take days off work to de-stress or take a little vacation someplace. Me, not so much.
This visit was decidedly more upbeat. Since he wouldn't eat the prescribed diet food, I've been feeding him a paste with potassium and vitamins that the vet congratulated me for finding, and encouraged me to give him more. His weight is back close to normal (thanks, Fancy Feast!) and my idea of feeding him as much fish with Omega3 oils (like salmon and trout) turned out to be well received too. It's good to know that I'm doing the right thing, and as the Vet said, "You don't know if you're buying him a day, ten or another year, but the one thing we know is that it can't hurt." He'll turn 17 in February, and she agreed that we can't medicate him to the point that he's miserable because, after all, would we want to be fed food we don't like or forced to take medication we don't want? There are 'quality of life' issues to address, and at this point, she agrees that we should just make him as happy as possible. That's why I like this Vet.
Meanwhile, he has developed a minor heart murmur. If I want, I can bring him back for an ultrasound that will pinpoint the problem. Heart murmurs in cats are similar to humans, so it may be practical to find out the problem. The trouble is, the test costs $400 and will ultimately result in more medication. I'll have to make another decision soon, I guess.
His blood pressure and temperature was normal, and the bloodwork results are going to come back tomorrow, so stay tuned. She told me that he wasn't that far along in his kidney disease, and that with some of the things I've been doing, it's possible that his numbers will have stabilized.
Over on Ebola, I had put my Axim handheld computer up for bids, which was to be one of the big-ticket items on the auction block. Last night, I flipped it on to take out all my personal info and re-set the password. I should say, I tried to flip it on. I had it on the charger for hours, and still nothing. I had to go on the Ebola site and pull the listing, since I didn't want to sell a non-working handheld PC. With the pending vet visit, I put off goofing with it until I got home.
I figured I'd have to ship it back to Dell for service, but - check this out. I bought it on October 24, 2006; and it carries a one-year warranty. How f'ed up is that? I wondered if they programmed in a system failure for a year and a day after the warranty expires?
I'm like a dog with a bone when it comes to these things. I'll figure it out if it kills me. So, after much wrangling and button-pushing, I finally got it to fire up and put it back on the charger, re-listed it and sat down to try to relax and enjoy the rest of my day. I hope it sells before I have to turn it back on!
Computers and cats. Sooner or later, they'll both kill you.
I'm sorry your kitty is sick. That sux. He is beautiful though.
The kitty is pretty ... animals cost a lot to get "fixed" good luck with Kitty and Computer!
i wouldn't have kitty's heart murmur taken care of especially if it's like an adults because they can't do shit for an adult with a murmur except put you on antibiotics before a surgery and well, kitty seems to be doing better so i say leave kitty alone and buy him a new toy filled with catnip and save yourself the other $395.99.
I thought about you two today at work and wondered how it went....good bp and temp. Good news.
anna: Yes, he is, and not at all stuck up about it! :)
Those kind of days stress me out. Me and the cat slept for a while when we got home.
Thanks for your good thoughts.
I hate it when my pets get sick. Many people think of pets as disposable. I, however, feel your pain. I took a guinea pig in for surgery.
Good luck.
Call Dell and ask to speak to a customer satisfaction specialist and tell them that the warranty is only a day old and the thing doesn't work. You may get it fixed under the warranty.
18 kitty years is 85 human years! i saw this on the wall during our last visit to the vet. hope your kitty starts feeling more frisky.
and i have always thought that companies program their products to die just after the warranty. hmmm.
ok dont bother with the heart mumur. Kittie was diagnosed with a heart murmur at like 4, lived until she was 12 to 14 and lived through a leg amputation. Heart murmur my ass, the wife is still convinced it was poisoned chinese cat food.
you are a good daddy
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