Last night, I'm standing in line with my usual assortment of odd items, when I see the woman in front of me hesitate for a moment. The cashier had told her that her order came to $124.25, and this caused the woman to ponder, "I want to make this check out so that I get cash back. What's the limit?"
That's right - the check.
Of course, the cashier didn't know, because ... c'mon, who writes checks to begin with? She turned to a co-worker and asked. The response came back that the limit was $30.
The woman was relieved, for some unknown reason. She said she needed more than $25. She looked at the total again, and then started to make out the check. "Is it OK if I make this out for $150 even? I need a little extra." Which, actually is a question and a statament, but I digress.
She proceeds to make out the check for $150, forcing the cashier to give her $25.75. While all this is going on, the little wheels that move around in my mind were trying to comprehend what was going on in her mind. I realize that not everyone has embraced my Utopian Cashless Society Concept (or UCSC, as it is known), but what's with the 75 cents? My inner voice wanted to ask (nicely), "Lady, what in Hell are you going to do with the extra 75 cents?" Or, "Why didn't you just write the check for $150.75, so the kid didn't have to get quarters out of the drawer?"
I remained quiet, until they were out of earshot, then I began giggling like a child. I looked quizzically at the cashier, and she just smiled and shook her head a little.
"I suppose that extra 75 cents is gonna turn her holidays around", I said.
She replied, "You have no idea what we see in here".
Maybe the 75 cents was for the salvation army bucket anthony.
maybe the 75 cents was to get her kid a toy out of one of those machines they plaster the lobby of grocery stores with so your kids whine and cry about it all the way out to the car.
maybe she had two dollars in quarters and needed the extra 3 to get a condom out of the gas station bathroom down the road so she could get her swurve on christmas eve night wearing nothing but black boots and a santa hat.
possibilities are endless here what she needed that seventy five cents for. OR maybe in her mind she just needed that extra twenty five and didnt care about the change because that was the important amount.
who knows...
i haven't written a check in probably 2 years. i dont even know if i have any to be honest with ya......
Merry Christmas Anthony!
Hahaha Kimmy!! You are thinkin!!
Going to the grocery store is like a freak show everytime...for once I'm not the biggest one!!
Merry Christmas Anthony!!
I was thinking it was some kind of OCD deal with the even check amount.
If it was the swurve, I think I might have tossed them right there in the checkout line!
Besides, her hubby was there, and that whole gas station condom deal is his responsibility.
My condo association (not to be confused with condom association. with whom I have a tenuous relationship) still insists on checks and paper receipts - the bastards.
Merry Christmas, Kate and Kimmyk.
And she probably paid her bank 20 cents to write that check!
DEBIT CARDS PEOPLE!! And you can check your balance online every single day if you are a little OCD like I am! What really irks me, though, is the person who waits to start filling out the check after they hear the total. Did the name of the store, the date or your signature change in that time span?
Merry Christmas, Anthony. I hope it's a good one!
I worked in a Grocery Store for 7 years and over those 7 years, I found the Holidays and Rain brought out the strangest people with the strangest ways of thinking. My thought however, is everyone should think like me!?
bananas: I guess if everyone thought like us, the Blog would be pretty dull, eh?
Pam: At the rate she was going, the date may have changed during the transaction. Probably doesn't have free checking, either.
Merry Christmas to yuz.
HILARIOUS! story. But hey, I live in the country and we still write checks at the grocery store.
BTW, one time I caught a big ole' fat woman SHOPLIFTING a HAM between her knees. But that's another story for another time.
Here's hoping you had a great X-mas and an even better new year ahead.
Maybe the 75 cents was to give to one of the bagering charity solicitors at the door?
That is something I dont enjoy encountering. But O'reilly probably doesbt like these types either. You might have that in common.
He doesnt get to use the F bomb either like you but obviously from the tapes etc that were out he might like to use langauge like that.
You and Oreilly both might have inner voices that say .... lady WTF are you thinking?
I find something to occupy my brain like thinking of the 50 things I need to do on my daily checklist. Or repeating my daily list of postive affirmations.
Other than our species, I have nothing in common with Bill O'Reilly. Even now, I am checking his, because I can even doubt that.
I don't find most charity solicitors badgering. To not want to help people, I think is negative thinking.
I wouldn't be caught dead with a daily checklist.
i just convinced my partner to apply for a debit card. he's a checkwriter AND a luddite! lol!!!!!!!!
Anthony, I dont carry an actual list I just go through things I need to
Maybe, badgering was a strong word. I just think the fat ones I see might do better going door to door. They could get a decent workout in.
O Reilly is probably just as disturbed by check behavior as you are.
I just think the fat ones I see might do better going door to door. They could get a decent workout in.
If this is "positive thinking" at work, I'll stay over here in negative-land, thankyouverymuch! We're a lot more compassionate over here.
LOL... Pam... What is the worst that would happen if people went door to door? Live longer? Decrease the obesity problem?
I give to people that go door to door. I dont give to fat people that sit in front of grocery stores.... just a personal choice.
If you had a dollar Pam just one...
all things being equal... again all other variables being equal...
Would you give it to a fat person in front of a grocery store or a healthy person going door to door?
If you would give it to the fat person in front of the grocery store instead of the person walking door to door .... I just politely disagree.
Tom, I think it's great the way you separate your charitable donations based on weight rather than the cause.
That's a very mature way to think. Congratulations on your judgment.
I am confused:
So are you saying you would pick the fat one in front of the grocery store or the one that goes door to door?
Why does it matter to you what a person weighs?
It depends on the charity. Geez .. are you really that goofy or are you just being a clown?
I thought I said all other things being held equal?
No I thought you were the one kidding because there are actually quite a few people that do their charitable work based on weight. The wealthiest democrat I know of does at least. I dont know if he would ever come out and say it but... Warren Buffett through his dontations that are going into Africa.
If I was doing charity based on weight I would be supporting the aids red card for Africa.
This has to be one of the few countries where people living bellow the poverty line can still be obese. I just thought you were baiting me into that one too.
Just a personal prefrence. I used to go door to door and respect the harder effort that takes than just sitting there. Follow?
No, I don't "follow". I haven't followed anything you've said since you have been commenting here.
And, while we're at it, "all things being equal" is a stupid expression, because all things are not equal, so stop saying it to me.
You brought up the weight issue, not me.
Your going door-to-door was more than likely a nuisance to the people you were visiting.
You continually contradict yourself and claim to have not said things that you clearly said. You're not even paying attention to yourself, and I'm really not interested in pursuing this with you anymore.
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