Sunday, January 6, 2008


Don't say I didn't warn you.
Between the stoppages in the NFL playoff games on Saturday, I wandered over to ABC to watch the presidential debates. I paid little attention to the Republicans, since I'm both a registered Democrat and not the least bit interested. Our New Jersey primary is in a few weeks, and I'm starting to feel as though I should get caught up.
It seems to be the popular sport to jump all over Mitt Romney's financial condition. I suppose it plays in the sticks, but let's face it folks, none of these people are hurting financially. It's most of the reason they decided to run in the first place. Genuinely middle class individuals don't stand a chance in politics above the local level, and even then it's a tough road. Picking on Romney for being wealthy is a cheap misdirection ploy designed to make you dismiss his message - whatever that is.
Mostly, the Republican candidates look like a bunch of guys who would try to keep me out of their country club. From the early returns, it appears as though John McCain will emerge from a crop of lesser lights to take the early lead. Since I'm not paying much attention, all I can hope is that the Republican nominee isn't one of those religious nuts who put God in front of country and people. That's ass backwards if you're asking me.
The Democrats are a mess. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will likely spend the next 5 months sniping at one another while John Edwards continues to remind us that his father worked in a mill. John figures his best bet is to align himself with the middle class (whoever they are) and since the middle class is disappearing faster than Ted Danson's hair, he had better hurry because they might be gone before the election.
Be wary of anyone who tries to make himself appear to be just like you. Usually, it's a lie, because if he was just like us he wouldn't be sitting there telling us he was just like us. Don't be afraid to be different, John. It's OK. We know you're not like us.
I noticed that Hillary spent most of the debate trying not to mention her husband. You remember him, right? The 42nd President of the United States. She did mention that it would be historic to have a woman president. No kidding. It would be more historic to have a woman president who was once the First Lady. Remind us how that was, Hillary.
Bill Richardson was part of the debate on Saturday, but if you weren't watching you wouldn't know it. It's about time for him to do something desperate, since I feel his campaign sliding down the slippery slope. On Saturday, he mentioned a couple of times that Americans are going to have to "make sacrifices" in order to solve our energy problems and relieve our dependence on oil. Bill, people don't like to hear the word sacrifice. They feel like they're making enough already. If you're going to suggest that they lose their giant vehicles, pay a tax on them or suggest that they trade them in for a smaller vehicle you're painfully oblivious to the wants of society.
I still don't know about Barack Obama. Politically, he's a kid. I'll bet the chair in his Senate office isn't warm yet, and here he is out stumping on the campaign trail, spouting monologues about change and how we need it. "Who is this guy?", I ask myself. He is right about one thing. If he is elected president it would be a huge ... um ... change. Face it folks, big time politics isn't about change and it isn't about to change. That's why it's big time politics. Talking about change is going to be the buzz until the election, because the Democrats know that the public is tired of the Bush administration, so it will serve them to use the word change so that we'll think something different is going to happen. I'm old enough to be cynical enough to know it ain't necessarily so.
I'm thinking it will come down to a woman and a young black man for the Democrat nomination. I don't think we will need to be reminded that change is coming.
NBC news reported that people under 50 are for Obama and people over 50 are for Clinton. I'm 50, which is probably why I'm undecided. I'll be 51 by the time November rolls around, so I suppose I will have decided by then.


annabkrr said...

Very well written. I'm watching more and more of the crapola too, trying to get a feel on who I'll support.

Obama got off on my wrong side when he broke out Oprah and she was practically preaching him to be the Messiah. How can you relate to a dude whose personal friend is Oprah? Oprah wouldn't pee on me if I were on fire!!! He's going to bring change? Umm. Whatev.

You are correct that none of them is hurting for anything and sure as hell not aware of life as I live it.

I like Hil, she's a smart lady. I also respect her for the work she's done for women and children. Plus, I'd like to see a woman president in my lifetime. BUUUUT...there's always a but.

I dunno. We'll see I guess.

the Book of Keira said...

It annoys me so much how polular Bill Richardson has gotten. I lived for three years in El Paso on the New Mexico border and he was their governor. All over the news, that one... I'm very confused as to why he decided to run for President when he didn't seem to be the greatest governor in the world.

Anthony said...

108: I give Richardson the benefit of the doubt because he was in Federal Gov (Energy Sec'y) and I am partial to Governors over Senators or others, because of the delegation responsibilities and such. Otherwise, I have no knowledge of what he's done - if anything.

anna: Thanks for the writing compliment. It didn't take very long to write, mostly because it's so easy to express my opinion when I feel strongly about something.

I think, if the gun were held to my head today, I'd side with Hillary. Probably because she'll have access to her husband's background - if she wants it.

kimmyk said...

i'm not over 50 and hilary is gettin my vote. unless obama does something or says something that just makes me pause...but until then...i'm all for seeing a woman hold office.

bananas62 said...

Thanks for narrowing it down!!! I'm just gonna vote for the cutest candidate...oh wait...that's how I choose my football teams... I know, It' my sick mind!