Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Be careful what you wish for...

... or you will surely get it.
I've been doing some thinking about the upcoming primary here in New Jersey. Some thinking, since it's still almost a month away and the John Edwards campaign seems to be running low on steam. It's typical of America that too many choices are a bad thing, so it stands to reason that the fewer the choices, the better we'll like it.
That's why I'm thinking that John will probably not survive the process. It's looking like the Hillary and Barack Show, and my initial thoughts are that they might not be the two best choices.
Mostly because I'm cynical of the political process and partly because I believe that the process is bigger than the will of the people. Specifically, I believe that the Republican machine is bigger than the will of the people.
Ask yourself a question. Ask yourself why, in such a politically quick manner that Barack Obama has become the Flavor of the Month for America. How has he become so - supposedly - popular among so many - supposedly - influential people and how has he vaulted to the top of the party? Is he popular because you truly believe his message or is he popular because he has been foist upon you? If you truly know his message, then perhaps his popularity is genuine. If, as I believe, his popularity is the byproduct of a machine that has foist him upon us, then we need to ask ourselves if his campaign and subsequent nomination is really what is best for the Democrats, or what is best for the Republicans.
Will he divide the vote and drive Democrats toward the moderate Republican candidate, who is likely to be John McCain?
The thought here is that he is the best candidate that the Republicans could want. I'm not all that excited about Hillary either, but the thought of an Obama/McCain election leaves me fearful of the next 4 years.
Before you decide, read this - and this. Two excerpts follow:
The current issue of the New Yorker contains a profile of Obama, which highlights his appeal to conservatives. For his optimism about the future, Obama has been dubbed the “black Ronald Reagan”. He frequently challenges the black community to support two-parent families and encourage school students, instead of criticising them for “acting white”.
In fact, to this day Senator Obama's largest contributors include numerous law firms who represent huge corporate interests before the Bush Administration and would no doubt do the same before his own. He is therefore linked to the very largest Republican representatives before Congress and the US Government. Important contributors to his campaign also include significant corporate executives such as the CEO of Motorola, a relatively consistent Republican contributor.


Firestarter5 said...

I can't figure out why it takes you guys a damn year to pick a new puppet. How much bullshit can a person repeat day after day for an entire year?

I read a comment from a non-American that went something like this:
Americans choose a leader that the rest of the world will have to live with. If this person is dubbed the leader of the free world, shouldn't we all get a vote?

Anthony said...

That assumes that Americans are free.

Sparky Duck said...

And thats why Edwards got my little donation. I wanted to be sure to do what I could to help

annabkrr said...

It's all so damn shady. The process, the money involved, the media blood thirsty freaks...

And it's not like they can come through with one promise they are blabbering about anyway!!! Shut up and just say that you wanna be the almighty and powerful President. That's all you want. Da power.

Anthony said...

Sparky: It isn't looking good for John. His old running mate just came out to endorse Obama.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Obama may not do any better than any other politician in the White House (although he'd do much better then any GOP candidate) but I just want to believe in something again.

So, really for me it's down to two candidates: Obama and Clinton.

AND I want new faces and that means Hillary is out.

Obama is my choice. I guess I'm naive and buy into his energy and positive message of hope.

I don't know, we will see.

kimmyk said...

i'm not a big supporter of edwards-i don't like his sort of "old timey" way of thinking. i want a forward thinking president...i have to agree with james [who might I add I like how he thinks...i've read a few of his comments and sat here shaking my head agreeing with him]anyways, yeah...why does it take us a year?

i'll just be glad when it's over.

annabkrr said...

Yes. Be over soon.