Friday, February 16, 2007

Every Once in a While, These Tests Turn Out Right


Ladyred said...

o0o0 wow i'm an Einstein too.!

i like the photo on the above post, too funny!

msliberty said...

I am Mother Teresa.

supergirlest said...

well, i think this test has one answer and one answer only - 3 for 3, here. einstein.

funny einstein story, actually. every year, me and my old boss who was also a dear friend of mine (joe) - would celebrate einstein day. he wanted and excuse to go drink one year after we finished our shift and noticed it was einstein's birthday. as the years went on, our numbers grew. we'd go bar-hopping, all the same haunts, to celebrate einstein day. a few memorable quotes?

"next year we'll make einstein hand puppets, so that everything we say sounds smart."

someone - "einstein day is dumb. you guys know that st. patricks day is just a few days away, right?"

us - "st. patricks day is for amateurs."

my all time favorite joe quips the day after the second einstein day, after he crashed at our place -
"it wasn't bed and breakfast, it was more like chair and aspirin."

but in all seriousness - einstein has provided me with some of the best quotes ever, infinity.

bananas62 said...

OH HELL Anthony!!! I'm fricking HITLER! he's not even Italian!!!!
and I'm not even German!!! DAAAAMMMN!

Christy Forrester said...

I love this! I came up as Mother Teresa too :-)

I would be happy to be 1% of a person that woman was!

I love the photo on the Feb 16th post too. Where is that?

Pam said...

I am an emaciated do-gooder. Gandhi.