No witty banter today. It's late, so here are a few photos from my trip to see the Phillies at Shea Stadium on Tuesday night. The Phils pulled out a dramatic 9th inning comeback, scoring 6 runs in the ninth inning to win 8-6. Sadly, I wasn't driving and was made to leave in the 8th inning when the Mets were ahead 5-2. Somehow the drama was lost on the radio. Somebody needs to explain to me the logic of driving almost 3 hours to see a game and leaving before it's over.
It was pretty much a glorified business trip with a baseball game attached. The tickets were given to us, but cost somebody $118, so I figured I'd better pay attention to the game. As it was, I only got about $113 worth.
Clicking on them a couple of times should bring them up to full size, if you're interested in full size.
The Great Outdoors.
Pre-game, as dusk falls on Flushing. The view from my seat in the Diamond Club. La de da. Free food and beer.
They're building the new joint just beyond the left field seats. It will open next season. It will be called Citi Field, I think.
Night falls on Flushing.
wow you got some great shots... even though I'm not a baseball girl i can still appreciate them. :D
I could convert ya.
i'm partial to the fisheye photos myself.
I figured you would be. That one looks like a big eyeball, doesn't it?
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