Friday, February 8, 2008

Where have I been?

Did ya miss me?
How was your Super Tuesday? Mine wasn't too good. I'm thinking this Democrat deal is going to go to Hillary, and while I thought that might be a good idea - a year ago - now, I'm not so sure. Mostly because John McCain appears to be the Repugnican candidate, and that makes Hillary the anti-Christ to Democrats. We don't need a reason for Democrats to vote for McCain, and Hillary gives them that reason. I'm fearful that America is gullible enough to believe that McCain is a moderate, when actually, he is a clown.
I'm seeing a lot of signs and slogans that are getting behind the "Woman in Charge" idea, which I find appealing, I'm just not sure that this woman is the one I want in charge.
There it is, the American flag and the waving, happy politician, telling us that she's going to do the right thing. Change. It's all about change. I don't know about you, but I've been through a couple dozen of these Presidential campaigns, and every one of them promises something or other to us, depending on the times. It's either economic prosperity, getting government off our backs, ending a war, stopping the [insert] crisis or finding a way to make ourselves better. Whatever it is, it generally doesn't happen. When is the last time you thought government was less intrusive in your life? Ronald Reagan ran on that slogan at least once, and I don't see it happening, and that was 20 years ago.
Various candidates have pledged to stop a war, but once they get into the office they find that the war was a pretty big deal, and like a lot of big deals, they're hard to stop.
Economic prosperity is subjective. If you have a good job and you're getting nice pay increases every year, you're prosperous. If you're in jail or unemployed, the prosperity has pretty much come to a halt. You can't blame or credit the president for either one, but they take credit or blame for both. Life is funny that way.
Oil is a big deal. It's bigger than war. I don't hear a lot of "energy independence" stuff coming from either of the Democrats. Meanwhile, I'm still seeing huge vehicles carting around one person and gasoline prices are headed for three dollars in these parts. I liked John Kerry's idea about an "Apollo Project", where he would shove money at a bunch of smart people and they would come up with another propulsion mechanism, just like we came up with a way to get us to the moon. It isn't all that difficult, really. It's mostly a matter of getting the people to buy into the idea. Hybrid cars work. Make them affordable and we'll buy them. Make hydrogen available and we'll use it.
It's a popular idea to tell people that you're going to end the war in Iraq. Every time Obama says it, he has to stop for the applause. People applaud because it's a good idea - on its face. In the grim reality, it might not be the best thing. The war is bigger than any of us realize. As big as you think it is, multiply that by a really big number and write the result on a piece of paper. You'll need another piece of paper. Take the "end the war" stuff with a thousand grains of salt, then don't pay attention to it, because it literally takes an act of Congress to get us out of there, and they can't even make a decision to give us $600, so how long do you think it will take for them to get us out of Iraq?
In the end, you have to vote your conscience. That's a hard thing to do, since our conscience often conflicts with our emotions. That's what politicans count on. The emotion/conscience conflict. They build careers on it.
Let your conscience be your guide.


Sparky Duck said...

To me, the two of them are pretty much the same right now, they will both go liberal for now and then move to the middle closer to the general. So, its all about the person, which is still why I will not vote for Hillary until I have too

Anthony said...

Same here. I was happy to varying degrees with Edwards, Obama or Hillary. Now that it's Obama or Hillary, I'm still happy, but to a lesser degree.

When it becomes Hillary (as I fear it will) I'll be in the "lesser of two evils" camp and still go with her.
That might not be the ideal situation, but how many times do we get our ideal?

Kate Michele said...

I have never been more confused with an election. NOw i know that i've only gotten to vote in one so far... but still.

Firestarter5 said...

I still say Obama...even if I don't get to vote.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

For what it's worth I voted for Obama if for nothing else than I want to see some new faces in the White House.

Plus, I just feel inspired by him and I've never been inspired by a politician. I'm usually cynical about politics but with Obama I feel somewhat hopeful.

Maybe it won't turn out but I'm willing to give him that chance.

I also think he's more electable than Clinton because Obama has proven that he can fight with McCain for those independent and even some Republican votes.

The Republicans would love nothing more than to have the Clinton punching bag back in the spot-light.

MBKimmy said...

I am so confused about all of them it makes me wanna close my eyes, plug my ears and be out of the country on voting day!