Monday, January 14, 2008

A slow news day.

The Bad Parking blog put up my photo. Run and see! Technically, it's not "car" parking, but only a "t" away, and who's to argue technicalities?

And, as if we needed another reason to celebrate a bogus holiday, it turns out that good old Christopher Columbus is responsible for discovering a little more than just the New World - or so we're told...
MONDAY, Jan. 14 (HealthDay News) - A new analysis of the genetics of syphilis provides support for the theory that the disease hitched a ride with Christopher Columbus from the New World back to the Old World.
The most familiar theory suggests that syphilis came to the Europe via frisky sailors on the Columbus expedition, and historical records suggest the disease did appear on the continent in 1495, three years after Columbus set sail for what proved to be the New World.
Hey kids, take the day off and celebrate!

In the meantime, here's a frog on a motorcycle:

1 comment:

Sparky Duck said...

you are famous as opposed to infamous