Here we go, folks. Strap in and wait up for another little dose of crap coming straight from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the Home of the Shitty Little Shrub known as George W. Bush ...
WASHINGTON - The government has missed all 34 deadlines set by Congress for requiring energy efficiency standards on everything from home appliances to power transformers, government auditors said Thursday. Two-thirds of the deadlines have yet to be met, although many of them are more than a decade old.
Because of the failures, consumers and corporations stand to pay tens of billions of dollars more for energy than they would have if the deadlines had been met, the Government Accounting Office said. It's "a blistering indictment of a culture of incompetence and delay," said Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., said.
The GAO said that if the deadlines had been met on the four categories of consumer products that use the most energy — refrigerators and freezers, central air conditioners and heat pumps, water heaters and clothes washers — consumers would have saved $28 billion in accumulated energy costs over the next 23 years because the more efficient products would have been available sooner.
There ya go. We'll be paying for this administration's incompetence for the next 23 years - almost 6 Presidential terms, or 3 if Democrats get elected.
Many of the appliance and other equipment standards have been in limbo since 2001 after a rush of regulations in the closing weeks of the Clinton administration, energy efficiency advocates said.
Damned Clinton administration. Looking out for our environment and producing a healthy economy - in Peace-time. The lousy bastards. You suck.
Don't you know, there are priorities. Fighting wars, giving out tax breaks and mis-managing FEMA. It's hard to work in as much as a nap between all that junk. How in Hell did Billy manage to work in a BJ? Damn - that's efficiency for ya.
But really, what's the rush to implement some silly environmental regs? All that red tape just clogs up the process. The process that involves alienating 64% of voters, while the other 36% are looking around to see if you've got your finger up their ass.
You remember the process, right? Scare the crap out of you. Make you afraid of something. Make you ignorant of something and keep you distracted so you won't know what in Hell happened 23 years ago that you're still paying for. The Process. It's that thing that holds your nuts in place - right above George's chin.
Looks and starts like a sweep, with offensive linemen pulling from the weakside of the formation. The intention is to get the defense to overpursue the play, while the halfback cuts back inside. The pulling linemen also turn inside to trap any defensive players who are at the point of the cutback. The play can only work when the defense buys the threat to the outside, or the offensive blocking is powerful enough to move the defense at will.
Stop following the blocking, folks, and you can stop the runner before he gets to the line of scrimmage.
The Process is filling 24-Hour news stations with Britney, Anna Nicole and miscellaneous runaway astronauts, missing adults and The Oscars. As of last night, Larry King was still on the Anna Nicole story, and Nancy Grace continued her marathon of muddle with another finely crafted hour of crap.
But The Process wasn't done. Last week they trotted out some junk about Oscar-winner Al Gore, saying that he used an inordinate amount of electricity at his home, flew in private jets and drove a big car. Some right-wing think-tank (an oxymoron if I ever heard one) known as "The Tennessee Center for Policy Research" made the claims.
By the way, calling a conservative organization the "Center for Policy Research" is another subtle bit of misdirection. If they give something a gender-neutral name, they can say what they want and the public will think that it's either: (a) a branch of the government or (b) an independent non-biased organization. Neither are true in most cases.
So, there they go ... that's the offensive line moving to the right. Meanwhile, Kalee Kreider, speaking for Mr. Gore said...
"The power coming into their residence is green, renewable power," she said, explaining that the Gores participate in a program called Green Power Switch, which is run through the public Tennessee Valley Authority. Green Power Switch supplies energy from renewable sources to its members.
Kreider added that a renovation of the Gores' house is underway to make it more energy efficient, an update that will include the addition of solar panels.
Paris Hilton was ticketed the other day for driving with a suspended license.....The body of Anna Nicole Smith is removed it to its final resting place in the Bahamas......“Extra” has all new video of Britney wearing a brown wig out and about in Santa Monica, California last night.
The President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research, Drew Johnson was unimpressed. "The energy he receives into his house is no different than what I receive into my house," he said. "He doesn't have a green power line hooked to his house."
A green power line? Are they looking for colored wires now? There goes the running back, off to the left. Are you still following the blockers? You're going to get mowed over.
Or you are so broke that you can't afford to have one.
Either way.
Right now, I'm so happy I'm Canadian. BTW awesome Saturn image Anthony.
now you wanna talk about me with metaphors, that was brillant, though I would have called it the QB option, I grew up watching the wishbone in HS.
But I digress...
The first hint should have been Tennessee having a think tank. Please, Tennessee, just keep producing Mannings.
I am not even sure I can blame the media, since its the corporations that pay for there advertising that control the news. Heres a boring story about the Pakistan border being a sieve, or celebrity gawking, which one will the lemmings watch and be sure to notice the Chevy commercial?
Thanks, Sparky. True enough about advertising. Perhaps it goes back to some deep-rooted system of denial. As though, if we don't look at the problems, they don't exist.
After all, seeing Britney with a shaved head or Paris' varied goof-ups makes some people feel better about their own lives.
God forbid, they see an image of government gone haywire and have to question the decision they made - TWICE - and wonder how it could have gone so wrong.
Nobody ever lost money underestimating the intelligence of the general public.
Windwhisperer: Is Canada taking applications for citizenship?
Metaphor for this admin? In the basement. Personal fave.
All are welcome here in the land of igloos and snowforts; just tell them at immigration that there's a hostile political climate you're desperate to escape from and that your safety and sanity are being simultaneously threatened.
Wait a minute! Shouldn't the major public spokesman for energy conservation be practicing what he preaches in a very obvious public way. Do we just give him a pass because he talks a good game. What happens when the global warming laws are passed and we all are limited to one 2 passenger car per family. Does this big honcho get a pass then too? I think that's the way the world works, isn't it!
No, that's not the way it works.
Who said anything about limiting cars? Don't exaggerate the argument just to make a point.
How about a president who sends men and women off to war, yet he found it convenient to join the National Guard? Why did that big honcho's son get a pass?
I think we have a little subject switch here. I thought we were talking about Al Gore's adherence to his global warming credo.
First of all I'm not against using energy wisely. Apparantly Al Gore isn't, at least not for himself. The point I'm making is that once the global warming gestapo get control, it's going to be the usual way of the world, i.e. it's going to be the little guys like you and I who get screwed, and the big politicians and celebrities will get the exceptions because they're so important. You know how it goes, "All animals are equal, but pigs are more equal than others".
i just love the comments without links, thank and good night, tip your waitstaff.
Yeah, I think he wants me to "engage him" or something.
I just don't understand how people can come out against anti-global warming legislation.
I'll probably do a post about it that will further elevate the discussion.
Gentlemen. You want to know my profile. I'll be glad to accomodate you if you're really interested. I thought that in a discussion group ideas were sufficient.
The subject of the day is Al Gore's personal contribution to greenhouse gases. He promotes this as a "moral" issue and therefore his behaviour would seem to be of some importance unless he is a fraud.
This relates to the subject of greenhouse gas legislation which, if it ever gets out of the talking stage into the action stage is going to cause some pain for all of us. Perhaps we should start with those like Al Gore who are profligate wasters. Maybe he could heat his swimming pool with solar energy instead of gas. Incidentally I assume you guys know that the saintly Europeans are increasing their greenhouse gas emissions on a percentage basis many times that of the US over the past few years. I thought their idea was to cut back, maybe show us dumb Americans the way.
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