Thursday, September 14, 2006

13 Little Things (for Thursday)

13 Little Things That Aggravate Me
1. SUVs and big 4WD trucks that tap their brakes going over railroad tracks. What's the point of having these house-sized vehicles if they can't go over a little bump?

2. SUVs and big 4WD trucks.

3. Pitchers that can't bunt. They have nothing else to during their 4 days off. Why not learn to handle a bat?

4. Signed golf balls. I don't understand the signed golf ball. It's too small and bumpy. It seems like they're forcing the whole "signed ball" concept that works well with baseball and football. A little odd.

5. Size "XL" thongs. Please, don't encourage these people. They can't see what we can.

6. Gas Station Attendants. My fuel goes in on the passenger's side, and the attendants are so lazy that they won't come over to my window to serve me. Rather, they make me put down the right-side window and order across the car. A good shoe piece would straighten them out.

7. Lance Armstrong. After a couple of his former teammates confessed to blood doping, the 7-time Tour deFrance champion started in, saying that the reports were a "hatchet job". Shut up, Lance. We're tired of listening to you. He definitely needs a shoe piece.

8. Reality TV. First, there is no such thing. It's an oxymoron. Second, it's enough already. Lucky for you, My Name is Earl is on opposite the founding father of nonsense, Survivor on Thursday. Kick their ass, Earl.

9. Paying for Parking. I've already paid $60 for your concert, and you have the nerve to charge me another ten to park my car. How else am I going to get there? It's a scam, with no sign of relief.

10. The Grunting. I used to love women's tennis, but I can't watch it anymore, with all the grunting - and screaming - with every shot. I don't know who started it, but they need a shoe piece, too. Then, at least they'll have a reason to grunt. Please, LPGA, don't start.

11. Hair Balls. What's with the hair balls? I love my cat more than most people, but can't you get that hair to come out the other end?

12. The Screen Icon. TNT is the worst. They put a full program ad in the bottom-right corner of the screen. It's supposed to be opaque, but it's like cleavage - I have to look - it's distracting. Then, they start with that other thing ...

12a. The Swoop. Some program ad comes swooping in during a program. Usually involves action of some kind - like pit crew guys changing a tire, reminding me to watch NASCAR on TNT. OK, I get it. Leave me alone to watch my show. Imagine, while you're reading the newspaper, someone waves a sheet of paper in front of you. You'd hit him with a chair, right? So, why do we put up with it on TV?

13. The Pop-Up Ad. The second, illegitimate cousin to the screen icon, these annoying little bastards work their way onto our computer screen and do nothing but annoy us.

OK, so that was really 14. Soon, I'll put up 13 things I like, to balance my Karma.


Pam said...

Are you thursday thirteening now??

I have one to add: Perfectly able-bodied people who can't walk the 100 feet to put their grocery cart into the parking lot cart holding thing. I manage to do it, sometimes with two smallish children in tow, and they can't walk over a few freakin' feet to put their cart away? Instead it's rolling all over the parking lot.


Anthony said...

Good one!

Yes, I think I'm a 13-er. Got the link from Carmen.

Now ... if you can only get me to do the HNT!

Pam said...

I can't do that HNT thing. My PARENTS read my blog!!! And who knows if and when some student would stumble across it!

Kate Michele said...

Ok first, you are too funny!!

I too hate the swoop ads!! You think reality is bad...I saw the previews for VH1's celebrireality, I couldn't even handel the preview!!

You should do HNT!!

Pam: My parents read my blog...though i don't think on thursdays!!

Lindsay said...

This post cracked me up!

Mines Up too.... but I think your trumped my 13 parenting comics!

Anthony said...

Lindsay: Awesome! Reminds me of the "old days" when I would ask a friend (who could draw) to "please illustrate that".

Your pig latin skills are great.

Sorry I couldn't leave the post on your site, but the Beta and old version of Blogger do not communicate very well. Could have been #14 on my list.

Raggedy said...

Great gripe list!
If you are a new thirteener welcome.
I don't recall being here b4.
Mine is up too.

Unknown said...

XL people have a right to have their asses flossed, too.

Southern Girl said...

LOL at #5 and Amen! to #13! 'Course, that's one reason I love Firefox -- takes care of those annoying pop-ups for me. ;)

My TT is up, too!

Knitting Maniac said...

Dude. I totally thought I was all alone on that Lance Armstrong deal.

Happy TT!

Meira{FB} said...

Excellent list. Not with ya on the SUV's though.

Happy TT!

Laura said...

#s 1,2 and 3 i agree with but what are gas station attendants....just kidding. i live in self serve land and woul probably think i am being car jacked if one of these appeared at any window.
i'm new to your blog. hope you will pop by and see my latets tt this week.

Caylynn said...

Great list! :) I have to totally agree with #1, 2, 7, 8 and 13.

Carmen said...

Please don't hate me, but I drive an SUV. Had a wreck once, the dr. told me had I been in my little car, I'd have been a lot worse off. So I feel safer. However, I don't brake for RR tracks.

And hairballs suck. Especially when you don't see them when you get up in the middle of the night. ewwww.

Anthony said...

Carmen: In my "perfect world" cars would all be the same size. Driving a Ford Focus is much harder when I'm behind a Lincoln Navigator.

I've stepped on plenty of hairballs in 15 years!

Mama Duck said...

LOL XL thongs!! Ours is up - 13 things I'm doing once we recover from this sickness!!

kimmyk said...

XL Thongs? I laugh everytime my mom calls her flip flops [shoes] thongs.

"Kimmy hand me my thongs and we'll go outside" mom.

Big girls need love too Anthony. You got somethin' against big girls you're not telling us?

Anthony said...

Er ... no, Kimmyk, but I do believe in dressing appropriately.

Going out in public looking like a Bartlett pear with a rubber band wrapped around it may be an interesting look, but I don't want to see it.

I'm not that big on the flip-flops, either. Too noisy. Footwear shouldn't make noise.

Candy Minx said...

Oh this was such a high energy different pace of Thursadya Thirteen I got all wired reading it Well done!

Here is mine...

Heather Smith said...

Totally with you on the screen icon!

Jenn said...

I like your list. But I do like reality TV. Big Brother & Survivor are my favs.

Barbara said...

#5 & #9 urk me! I hate to have to go to a High School ball game, spend $5 for a ticket & $5 to park your car in their parking lot, or the side of the street! AND, the thongs should be outlawed, period.

My TT is up.

BlondeBrony said...

Love the List.
My TT is up.

Lisa said...

Great list - My Name is Earl - great show