Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas

PARIS (AFP) - For three generations, schoolchildren struggling to remember the planets of the solar system have used a mnemonic, with the first letter of each word in a sentence reminding them of the order from Mercury, the closest to the Sun, to Pluto, the farthest. But the age-old learning technique has been thrown for a loop by the decision last week of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the paramount authority on astronomy, to expel Pluto from the list.

The eight planets now officially recognized by the IAU are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Here are some I made up. It's fun ... really. Post yours in the comments section.

Mainly, Vincent Evenly Measures Jerky Sold Unwrapped, Nancy.
My Voice Evokes Memories Judged Silly Unless Nearby.
Most Viewed Eating Mint Jello Stupid, Until Now


supergirlest said...

my vindication entices melancholy jugglers seeking unemployable nuns.

anthony - that wasn't fun - it was HARD!!!!! lol!

Pam said...

My very ecentric mailman just sold us neckties.

This IS hard!!