Thursday, August 24, 2006

Take a Pill

According to WebMD, these are the top 10 prescription drugs that America is taking, and the conditions they are meant to treat:

1 - LEXAPRO Anti-depressant
2 - ZOLOFT Anti-depressant
3 - PREDNISONE Corticosteroid
5 - CYMBALTA Anti-depressant
6 - XANAX Anxiety and panic disorders
7 - WELLBUTRIN Anti-depressant
8 - EFFEXOR Anti-depressant
9 - VICODIN Pain
10 - LIPITOR Cholesterol

Do we notice a trend here? America is in pain, and it makes them sad. A recent nationwide story revealed that more than 40 percent of Americans are taking at least one prescription. About one in six people is taking three or more prescriptions. Three or more?

Think about it - arthritis, pain, depression, cholesterol, high-blood pressure and contraceptives - between those conditions there are enough pills to fit 40 percent of us. It probably isn't very difficult to get your doctor to prescribe at least two of these. Especially if we consider that if you are sad, there must be a pill that can treat it, and if your diet stinks you may as well take a pill. Why attempt to change your life when we can give you something to take every day that will provide a temporary solution to a permanent problem?

Maybe we're depressed because we're in so much debt that we can't manage, don't make enough money to keep up with inflation, have too many kids, hate the government, worry about the future, work ourselves to death and need the Internet to find a date? Can a pill change any of that?

Eat right, get some exercise and make a few friends. That sounds like a lot of work. Pills are easier. We're a fat, lazy country of convenience and nothing is more convenient than a pill.

There are undoubtedly situations where real medical conditions exist, but really - 40 pecent? Was America so sad 20 years ago that we couldn't wait for at least 5 different medications to relieve our sadness? The world isn't really any different today. It's just that there are more pharmeceutical companies anxious to capitalize on your pain, anxiety and clogged arteries. They see a market and have exploited it.

We spend countless hours complaining about the big oil companies for jacking up the price of gasoline, but not a minute is spent on Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo or Bristol-Myers.

It's probably because we're in a pill-induced stupor and cannot form enough complete sentences to write a letter.


Kate Michele said...

I think the soceity we live in has a lot to do with it...your right we don't make enough to keep up with inflation...cuase for major panic and depression!!

Pam said...

this post is making me depressed....;-).