Thursday, May 8, 2008

Is there an $ in re$olute?

Pronunciation: ˈre-zə-lüt
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin resolutus, past participle of resolvere
Date: 1533
1 : marked by firm determination.
WASHINGTON - Her money drained and her options dwindling, a resolute Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed Wednesday to press on with her presidential bid even as she and top advisers were hard-pressed to describe a realistic path for her to wrest the nomination from Barack Obama.
Politics is a funny business. Not funny (ha-ha), funny (strange). Most of us, in the real world, faced with drained finances and dwindling options would just bag it and throw ourselves on the mercy of the court, as it were. Our resolution would be our downfall.
Politicians however, seem to take the opposite tack. They feel as though their supporters (the dwindling money part) deserve to have them fight it out to the last breath, lest they think their money was wasted. They appreciate resolution because to them, the candidate owes it to her supporters to fight to the last.
The country however, doesn't benefit much from such resolve. I think there's a certain amount of arrogance in Hillary's resolve. As though she thinks, "I'm a Clinton, damnit!" and fights on, figuring that sooner or later America will see what she sees. [buzzer] Not gonna happen.
The party is already divided, and recent polls indicate that whichever candidate is chosen, the supporters of the other will either vote for McCain [gak] or not vote at all [the wiser choice]. The fight between Obama and Clinton has produced a chasm that may wind up costing the Democrats the election, which is after all, the point - resolve notwithstanding.
It says here that America has spoken and, like it or not, Barack Obama is the choice to run against John McCain in November. I think he can handle himself politically and challenge McCain on the issues, as long as they are real issues and not made-up ones like who his pastor is or how old he is. Those are not issues, they are distractions.
There are a scant few primaries left and Hillary has a ghost of a chance of finding enough delegates to secure the nomination, so it is about time for her to prepare her supporters for the big let-down.
It's best for the country that she cut her losses and allow us to spend the better part of the next 7 months figuring out how the Republicans plan to undermine another fine American and his run for the White House.
I have faith that they'll figure out a proper distraction.


kimmyk said...

i hope she continues with the good fight. but sadly i think she's going to withdraw. today at lunch we were talking about nc and indiana and sadly the majority of people i work with said they would vote for mccain even though they were democrats if it came down to it.

i dont get that sort of mentality.

i think i'll be eating lunch outside from now on.

Anthony said...

Kimmyk: That's why I started eating lunch by myself and writing a blog. Who needs the aggrivation?

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I agree her fighting to the bitter end is more about her arrogance than the good of the people.

I don't understand how Democrats would actually vote for McBush rather than the Dem candidate!!! I hope that these wounds will heal by the general election and that most of the Hillary supporters will come home to beat the Neo-Cons.

We just can't afford a third Bush term.