Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Nothing that a little over-the-counter sleep aid can't cure.

I'm feeling a little strange. Not the normal kind of strange, that strange I feel when I think I'm about to be sick, but for whatever reason I'm staving it off just enough to make me feel rotten.
You know what I mean.
That dull headache that I can't quite pinpoint. The little sinus thing that feels just tight enough to be annoying. I'm a little tired, but not so much that I want to lie down. My throat is a little scratchy, but not sore. My ears are red. Red ears. I would take my temperature but I broke my thermometer last winter. I'm feeling a little warm. My neck hurts. I'm gonna punch this up and go to bed. Sleep always works, and part of the reason I'm not feeling right is because I haven't been sleeping well lately.
You know what I mean.
I feel tired, but when I go to bed I just roll around. I'll get up a couple of times, and it feels like I'm not sleeping at all, even though the time passes. At around 3:30 I'm wide awake, but it's too early to get up so I roll around some more. By 5:15 I'm asleep. At 5:45 the alarm goes off. Thirty quality minutes. I'd call in sick, but I haven't taken a sick day yet this year, and if I can make it another 50 days or so, I'll get a day's pay added to my check. It's really not that big a motivator. Mostly, I go in every day because I know they don't like me that much, and I figure it pisses them off a little to have to look at me every day, so why give them the satisfaction?

I voted today, although I really don't know why. Generally, New Jersey is a lousy place to live. Our property taxes are sky-high, car insurance is third highest in the nation, we have a 7% sales tax and it's so crowded that sometimes you can walk faster than you can drive. Yet, the same people get elected every 2 or 4 years, so we can count on more of the same. Maybe we like being miserable?
That's enough out of me. I'm going to take an Advil PM and hope that I can sleep past 3:30.


Sparky Duck said...

Advil PM is supposed to be good stuff, though I like Tylenol PM better.

Um, I think ist something going around, because I also had that feeling for a little while tonight

Scoobers said...

Oh, I hope you feel better. Perhaps your coworkers will catch what you have, call in sick and truth, justice and the American way have been served.

Thank you for the reminder. I need to pay my auto insurance.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I hope you feel better soon. I especially hate annoying colds like yours that are just strong enough to annoy you as you say.

I missed voting for an election for the first time in my life yesterday for our local elections. I feel like a bad citizen but the past month leading up to the election was a blurry nightmare.

Kate Michele said...

Tylenol Pm is good.. thats what i've been known to use.. If I dont' have the good stuff... :D

Hope you're feeling better soon.

kimmyk said...

hope you're feeling better anthony.
its getting to be that time of the year....start pushin' fluids...and get lots of rest.