It's the global warming debate, and why some people deny the science and take up the other side.
You would think that the anti-warming people have political motives, but I have a problem finding a truly political angle. If we are going to argue against what they would refer to as progress (i.e. deforestation, dirty air, more trash, massive home sites and bigger vehicles) I suppose there is an ox to gore (pun intended) but I still believe it is the shallow human who cannot find profit in conservation - if profit is your motivation.
The environmental movement has spawned some anti-movements. Some with names that would make us think that their motives are other than what they are.
The environmental movement has spawned some anti-movements. Some with names that would make us think that their motives are other than what they are.
There is one called, run by a coalition that claims to be a non-lobbying group that sells books with names like The Skeptical Environmentalist and whatnot. They're the Lex Luthor to the Sierra Club, that still maintains that clean air and water are important.
The motive, in this case, is to discredit the movement by discrediting the mover. Poke at Al and make the populace believe that the movement lacks credibility because we supposedly find fault with its leader. If that were the case in all events, the war in Iraq (sometimes referred to as the War on Terra) would have died an insignificant death long ago. But I digress.
My lack of understanding of the anti-warming folks exists on several levels. First, I cannot fully comprehend why they would deny their role as stewards of our planet. I would like to get a glimpse into their personal lives and check out their personal habits and cleanliness. Do they treat their bodies and homes as they treat the planet? If so, then they must be the center of discarded goods and waste products that they believe the earth should be.
Secondly, why would they deny that the right action is the appropriate one? In other words, protection and caution are always the least of our preferred actions. In theory, we cannot abuse the planet if we aim to protect it. Our actions may, in the end be disavowed by science, but in the meantime, we are erring on the side of caution. Where our children and their children are concerned, why would we act otherwise?
Which brings up the subject of responsibility. While it is true that the old-heads that run government and big business are clearly out for their own old heads, we should not allow their irresponsibility to be the guidepost with which we conduct our planetary business. We should aim to leave this place the way we found it, but I fear that the damage has been done, and in the spirit of industrialization, we have done enough damage already. Leaving it as it is now should be the minimum requirement.
You may continue to believe that the science is bunk, and tell me that my goals are unreachable. Cast stones. Lie. Claim that the science is flawed ... whatever. The truth is, I don't care what you say, because I will do my best to be the caretaker. I am unsure of your role here. Your motives are unknown to me, and perhaps will always be. Know, however, that soon you will be gone, and the planet you leave for future generations may either be theirs to fix or be rendered un-fixable. In either case, your time here will have long passed, and the generations to come may either curse your existence or wish there was enough time to do so.
I hope that in some sort of way my children see and remember how we live now so that when they are older they will continue to live a life as we do now. Rinse, Recycle, Reuse.
But, Anthony, these people truly do not care. To them, slash & burn is not a concept, it's Manifest Destiny. They use, abuse & throw away. They're truly frightening.
Wow A, Truly insightful and accurate. The whole Gore thing bugs me, but I can't change him...But I can work on the kids and grandkids, we recycle like crazy here!(and not just because where Californians) our 60 gallon recycling container is always filled to the brim as opposed to our 90 gallon trash container which is half full weekly.
i was involved in a back and forth on a blog not too long ago about this very thing. they all claimed that whatever was happening had nothing to do with us, but, rather it is all god's will.
my attempt at pointing out that "god" also said we should all be good stewards of the earth was met with, "what do you know about the bible? ANYone can take what the bible says and twist it to their own purposes!!!" hmmmm.... pot, meet kettle. didn't even occur to them, i suppose, that they may be guilty of the same thing.
it just frustrates me to no end. let's just pretend for one second that human activity isn't responsible - STILL! i mean, the earth is a living breathing thing. wouldn't it make more sense to be good stewards, regardless? the same activities that are creating the problems connected with global climate change are harmful on many other levels as it is.
mother earth is gonna kick our collective asses - and we're totally gonna deserve it.
I THOUGHT I had posted a comment on this last night...but it's not here now. Damn blogger!
Anyway, I said something to the effect that this a wonderfully well-written essay and I wish more people could read it. I also share your lack of understanding of the opposition side to GW. Wouldn't one want to err on the side of caution given that the future of the EARTH is at stake?
Oh yeah, I forgot...the rapture, god will give us a new planet, yada yada yada.
Another thing I just don't get is how someone will throw a plastic bottle away in the trash can that is right next to a recycling can. That goes beyond laziness. I don't even know what to call it. Blatant disregard?
Thank you Pam. I'm the guy who picks the bad copies out of the trash and puts them in the recycle bin WHICH IS RIGHT NEXT TO THE COPIER.
It also galls me to see plastic bottles in the trash.
Yeah, Pam and SuperG - the Rapture. These asshats should be so lucky.
scary thing is the all mighty dollar and God almighty (whoever he or she is) seems to go hand in hand when it comes from the ones who wish to debunk Global Warming.
Bravo Anthony
I can't think of much more to say to what the others have said other than I agree and feel the same. I try my best to save, reuse, recycle, etc. And maybe it's getting older, but I get more and more appalled at how people treat everything outside their little world. I see people throw entire bags of fast food out the car window, right in the middle of the road. People who run the water constantly in the photo lab at full blast (well now that's not possible since there's no water pressure). But when I see children doing things that I KNOW they learned from their parents, I almost feel that it's hopeless to change things. I really believe that people won't really take action until it's too late. That everything will have to hit rock bottom before the light bulb goes on and by that time there will be no reversing the bad effects.....
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