Screw the space-time continum, I want to be happy now.
2. Buying those shoes. What was I thinking? They weren't going to fit any better at home than they did at the store. Is the air pressure different in shoe stores than it is at home, that makes my feet shrink? I have more shoes that I don't wear than ones that I do. A word of advice: Never buy shoes from a mail-order catalog.
6. Accepting that paper route. 1974. A ridiculous attempt to earn concert ticket money. It lasted a little more than a week for reasons that are too long to explain.
7. Buying the Pinto. 1976. Although I drove it for 8 years, it scared more people than the Bush Administration, but it never did explode or cause any real damage, unlike George.
8. The purple car. 1994. I read a story saying that purple was the next "hot color". Word of advice: Don't react to stories you read about how popular something is supposed to be - make your own decisions. The car is gone now. To understand the personal Hell I went through, read this.
9. The baseball cards. 1985-1990. Now, they are mostly worthless rectangles of cardboard that were entertaining at the time, but in my heart of hearts, I knew the money would be better spent drinking or getting a nice massage. They're gone, too.
10. Corning at $1 a share. 2002. They make all the LCDs for televisions and have been making quality glass products for longer than I have been alive. The stock got to a little more than a buck a share, and I had the savings account withdrawl slip filled out to buy a thousand shares, but couldn't pull the trigger. It's at $24.50 today. Spilled milk.
12. Paxil. 1999. Feeling kinda crappy, I decided to start taking this anti-depressant med. However, after wasting an entire summer yawning, laying around and generally not feeling too much better, I reasoned that the real problem was my relationship with my soon-to-be-ex girlfriend. LESSON: Never take pills because of someone else. Sometimes it's not you, it's them. And most of the time, a pill wouldn't fix them, either.
13. Dad. 1966. Dad died in April of 1967 at the age of 47 of arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). All they could tell him then was to eat more fish. I'm going back with a surgeon from the Mayo Clinic and a fistful of catheters. Hey, nobody said "no passengers"!
Happy Thursday.
Um #1 had me gagging.
Wonder if your ex ever googled you like you want GG to? Least ya got the cat. Did you serve good cake at the reception? If so, then don't worry about having them give up their Saturday.
We had great cake. October 13, 1990 was a record-heat day for southern NJ. Mid 80s. I should have read the signs that it was the first day of Hell.
The cat is the joy of my life, which is both good and sad. He's 15, and officially a "senior".
I'll let you know about the rest. ;)
NO regrets...it's what I live by. 'Cause we don't have a Thursday 1000. ;-0
Happy TT!
As far as number one goes...all I gotta say is...well...***wink wink***
This is a great list, I like the ones that let us get to know you a little better...the ones that let us in......
Great list!
that is a great list. i need to do that as well. i am sure that i would have more than 13...that is the problem!
#8-Purple car. Drove off the lot saying "What the heck was I thinking?" The only Honda Iever owned that lasted only 2 1/2 years.
Enjoyed your TT! Glad you don't regret the putty tat. >"< ((meow))
That is a totally wonderful subject for a 13.
Have a great one!
i always look forward to reading your TT's... you always have GREAT topics!
Great list ~ I'm sure most of us could come up with at least 13 things we'd change...you did a great job explaining why these are THE ones you'd fix.
If I get my hands on that Delorian, I'll let you know!
Happy Thursday!
#5...I worry about that sometimes! Actually had my first skin cancer this year, on my arm of all places, treatable, tho and not much of a scar.
#1 hit close to home with me, too :) and double kudos on #7 -- Anthony how come I couldn't see previous posts? (I was curious to see your earlier TT's) I'm brand new to TT - been mulling it over for a few weeks, finally took the plunge tonight so forgive me if it wasn't kosher yet for me to link myself in the code. Thanks for a really cool TT, Anthony.
What a fun list!!
All the what ifs and if only in our life ...
Mine's up. Care to drop by?
from #1 on wht an amazing list.
i regret quitting guitar too and i owned a pinto as well but mine was a wagon.
have a good thursday and do something fun this October 13.
You seem like a really cool guy. I can't wait to read more 13's from you!
I'm adding you to my rss, and if you don't object, to my blogroll too!
Let me know. :-)
Purple Car??Is that for real?
That was very creative
You know what's cool is that you don't sound bitter at all. Good advice to yourself, be happy now.
but then you wouldn't be who you are!
I know. I'd be somebody else, and all my photos would have faded-out people in them!
You have a funny list. The stock market can really get one wound up, can't it!
My TT is up.
I like your list...the idea of going back...except that I have so many good things that happened after bad, and would I trade the good to get rid of the bad?
If I can have both, rid of bad and keep the good, I will.
My list is up, and mommy that I am, it's something about mommies and kids and mine. :)
I definitely have those moments when a Delorian would have been useful. Very creative list!
Was GG a tall leggy blonde? I think I went to school with her. I mean the name looks really familiar. I'd have to go dig into really old boxes to find really old yearbooks...
I'm sorry to say that even if it is her, I'm don't know where she is now.
Anyway, happy TT.
great list! i smiled and cringed, all in one! :)
i hope a whole bunch of people find your paxil advice. so very true. and i hope gg googles you. i thought you'd made that name up at first. it's delicious!
I liked the name too. It's hugely Italian, yet she was blonde and light-eyed, like n. mallory said.
It could work both ways. If she Googles herself, she'll find this, too, which would be a win-win for me. :)
I might do a post on the Paxil/drugs deal.
Good news, I put an old friend name on my blog and said i hope he googled his own name...I mean we all do right? And he did! We hadn't talked in ten years and it's been fantastic to reconnect and visit on the phone and plan a trip to get together!
I LOVED this list anthony...I really feel liie i can see into you a bit, this was a superb idea. And I bet it's going to be cathartic...like all the regrets will be healed somehow.
By the way, a Delorean is about 30,000 at a small outlet on dudas Street in Toronto...but it's hell on gas as I am sure you know...
Great reading ehre today dude!
here's mine...
It is too bad that we can't go back. The good news is that we can go forward.
hey Anthony - tks for visiting and commenting on my tt :) - btw I was mistaken, the gigantic vagina joke on CYE was in the "Ski Lift" episode, not the "Korean Bookie" in case you look for it. happy TT!!
Never ever regret buying shoes. EVER!
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