Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hold the Yak penis, please.

Since I've pretty much given up on English-speaking women finding me attractive, today I realzed that non-English speaking women would be equally unattractive. Not physically, but because I'd never know if they were talking about me behind my back. The language barrier.
Lunching at the local Chinese buffet - which is Chinese in name only, but is buffet - I observed two waitresses having a conversation in some form of Chinese/Mandarin dialect, and realized that I'd never be comfortable if I was with someone who spoke a fluent second language. Who in Hell knows what they're talking about?
WAITRESS #1: 你看到多少禿頂傢伙是吃? (Did you see how much the bald guy was eating?)
WAITRESS #2: 我知道。他將在哪裡呢?(I know. Where does he put it all?)
WAITRESS #1: 我敢打賭,他不會留下小費,無論。(I don't know. I bet he doesn't leave a tip.)
WAITRESS #2: 男人都是一樣的。(Men are all the same.)
What chance do I have against that?
Of course, that's assuming that English-speaking women wouldn't ridicule me, so you never know.


junior alien said...

Your "unattractiveness" is pretty much YOUR home-made problem - if it's a problem and not something you use to play the coquette (nice word, isn't it?).
What about yesterday's "totally-checking-you-out" woman? She was English speaking, I suppose.

But you can't be pleased, right?

susan said...

This reminds me of the episode of "Seinfeld" where Elaine wanted a manicure, and the manicurists didn't speak English.

My grandmother said there is a lid for every pot. I am sure there is the right girl out there for you Anthony.

Anthony said...

I challeneged the woman's eyesight yesterday.

No, I'm not pleased.

As far as the "lid" theory, I've heard it before. I'm not a subscriber.