Friday, April 25, 2008

TGIF - This Goes In First.

This is another of those times when I realize I've spewed out just about every thought that has come across my [sick] mind. I realized it when I was thinking up an essay on the NFL draft, and suddenly (beer inspired) realized that I had already done one. Click on the link and change the date. Like all of this junk, it's inspired thought.
Wesley Snipes just got three years in prison for tax evasion. That sounds like a phyrric victory for the Federal government. If he's in prison, he won't be paying taxes, so they're out for 36 months. The judge said that he was "making an example" out of Snipes by giving him a harsh sentence. Isn't justice supposed to be blind? This is a nation of laws, not a nation of men and no one, no matter how rich or famous, should be made an example of. We were all created equally, according to that Declaration paper. I think the judge should be removed of his duties. Let's make an example of him.
There has been a big drop-off in readership over the last couple of days. Coincidentally, I've been writing about the upcoming election, so it figures. How they know there's an election post before logging in I have no idea. It's like those TV ratings where they tell us that an especially exciting Deal or No Deal garnered big ratings. How did viewers know before they tuned in? I think the TV rating system is fatally flawed. How else can you explain the popularity of Dancing With the Stars?
My condo association wants to spend $28,000 to fix the swimming pool and they've asked us to vote on whether or not we want them (us) to spend the money. I've been here 18 years and I've used the pool exactly 3 times. Swimming pools are large areas of stagnant filtered water that, besides being breeding grounds for bacteria, are so chemically altered as to not resemble water. It's a chemical by the time they get done with it. Water is the last thing it is. As you can guess, I voted no. I told them that (a) the people who use the pool should pay for it and that they should adopt a two-tier fee structure where the pool-users pay more than the non pool-users and (b) if I were in charge, the pool would be filled with sand and gas grills would be constructed. Give me something I can use. It's all in my letter which, as you can imagine is tersely worded and eloquently stated. I suspect that they will ignore me.
If I owned a home, a swimming pool would be the last thing I would want. They're money pits, and in the best of times they're a large ass pain, returning little of the reward that the homeowner pays for. Mostly they're status symbols brought about by whining kids. The kids can open a fire hydrant like we did in the 1960s. High pressure city water sprayed at their face will toughen them faster than some chlorine and a fiberglas diving board.
I'd be a horrible parent.


kimmyk said...

hey, i read those posts about hilary. i just dont have anything to say as i'm a diehard democrat who is going to vote for the chick in pants, but if she should not win, i will be voting for the man who says he can change the way things are. so yeah. i read it. just what am i gonna say? i dont understand all that political jargon, i just know who i like and that's bout it.

now, my parents have had a pool as long as i can remember...good times. my dad was a pool nazi the way he'd monitor the water and the ph and all that jazz. if someone pee'd in the pool? he'd know it.
it was fun.
but public pools are a different story. i dont do public pools. if i didn't look like such a dork i'd get me one of them plastic ones and sit in it all day in the summer months on my deck.

you'd be a horrible parent? no worries. there are millions of horrible parents in the world...i doubt one more would matter. not that i think you would, i'm just sayin'.

Sparky Duck said...

Unless you are in Fla, Ca, Az or Tex, a pool is a waste.

I was worried, though now I am glad to see its not only my blog that is suffering

Anthony said...

Kimmyk: I suppose I don't leave a lot of room for debate sometimes.
I can be unambiguous.
I'm pretty sure I've never pee'd in anyone's pool. The ocean is another matter entirely.

Sparky: Agreed. And yesterday, I had only 2 returning visitors. Am I becoming boring in my old age?

Ladyred said...

I haven't had many readers to begin I don't update so it's my fault I'm sure. I'm also not good at marketing myself. Going to suck when I decide on my own studio....

I haven't wanted to write.

Plus it's getting too nice out to sit on the geek box......although I have gamed the past few days.......

As for the pool thing, people were bitching about the ban on the water rides here at the local amusement slash gig-you-for-all-your-money park out here. Um, people, we are in a drought, and you want them to run the water rides?? Granted I know it's mostly recycled water *shivers* but this country wastes things to no end. I know it was recently Earth Day. I know companies are trying to "go green". Blah blah yadda yadda. In my opinion, it's too little too late. Whether it's water or fossil fuels or whatever, we are in the swirl of the sinkhole and there's no turning it off.

I myself would be a horrible parent too.

Hence, the "nothing sitting in my uterus for 9+ months" policy. A lot of people have a lot to say about that which I find funny.

It's funny what people judge others on.

I think I'm running afoul of my original thought stream.

You ever see the commercial where the firefighters are voting on laws or policies or whatnot? It's really about Nextel or Sprint phones I think. But I'm thinking, if you, and others like you, and I all got together to vote like that, we'd shape this country up.

I know........dream on..... LOL

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

I think the ratings system is rigged. I know know anyone, nor have I who actually has one of those Nielson ratings boxes.

I would love to have one though and toss some ratings to The History Channel, The Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and The Science Channel.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Oops! I meant to say, "I don't know anyone..."

Anthony said...

James: Here's my cynical side again... The reason you (and I) will never have a Nielsen box is BECAUSE we'll watch those channels.
I talk to far more people who watch those programs than watch American Idol or any of the other so-called popular programs.
In fact, they could take away the shopping channels and some others and I wouldn't bitch, but I'd raise the roof if they took the Discovery Channel or National Geographic.

Anthony said...

red: Well, I voted "No" for the pool repair proposal, but it doesn't stand a chance in Hell of being voted down.
People love their stagnant filtered water, then complain because they get eye infections or develop nagging coughs.

The group we'd need to get enough votes to actually change anything is huge, and pretty much impossible to attain. That's why I'm so disgusted with things. People just want STUFF and they'll take and waste resources so that they can have it. It's a selfish way to live, but they feel entitled. It's that American Pride thing.