Sunday, March 15, 2009

Another tax on the poor and hopeless.

I see (and hear) that Delaware is considering starting a lottery based on sports gambling. That's almost a good idea.
They cite "this economy" (which is the latest catch-phrase) and tell us that the income will be good for the state. Either something is a good idea or it isn't. It shouldn't have anything to do with "the economy" - this or any other. If ten years ago, you had approached the governor and told him that you thought the state should legalize sports gambling, and he told you to "fuck off," then why now, with the state in financial crisis, is it a good idea?
If economic conditions are your barometer for what is right and wrong, then lets legalize marijuana and prostitution while we're at it. If the object is to enhance the state's income, then put the state in charge of it and let it go. Nevada apparently has no problem with women selling sex, so why should Delaware - or New Jersey? After all, aren't we the United States? Or is that just a geographical description? Right.
On a personal level, we make decisions every day based on our economics. When we're having difficulty meeting our debts, all of that junk that was so valuable to us now suddenly becomes expendable. That nice little coin collection we've been hoarding and worshipping now is fodder for Ebay. It's suddenly expendable based on circumstances.
It's the same for gambling. When governments run out of ways to tax us, they invariably turn to gambling, and we suck it in like a milk shake. We see it as a benefit to us because the government wouldn't dare take advantage of our dreams of riches, all the while jackpots reach 9-digit levels and we think we have a shot if we buy a ticket. What about the last 12 weekly drawings?
So, go ahead - legalize sports gambling if you must. Your state coffers will swell on the backs of the people you intend to benefit, and they'll thank you (in their way) for helping them realize their financial dreams based on the Ravens plus 6 points.
It's one Hell of a way to run a state government, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just call me po' & hopeless...