Sunday, January 18, 2009

I told ya.

Here. Have respect for your opponent.
Which is the cool part about blogging. We always have our legacy to fall back on. The Eagles made a valiant effort but fell short, as they often do. The story around here on Monday will be about how Donovan McNabb almost never runs the team to a two-minute victory. They were 7 points down with 2:45 to go and failed at four attempts. That's the story in the end.
In fact, they lost the game in the first half. We tend not to focus on the first part of anything, tending to lean on the second part. In the second part, they had a chance, but the gap they left themselves with made the second half almost insurrmoutable.
Now comes the off-season where fans will debate the future of the quarterback and coach. That's half the fun.
The other half is going to a Super Bowl.


susan said...

there is always next year. Giants vs Eagles.

Meows to kitty.....

Kate Michele said...

this is like reading Spanish to me :-P
