Monday, February 12, 2007

Is Anybody Listening?

In between the "Messy Mix" (formerly known as the Blizzard of the Century) and the release of the new dollar coin falls something we humans refer to as St. Valentine's Day.

I work with "men" (quotation marks intentional) and every time one of these romantic secular holidays comes around, I marvel at their total lack of commitment. Whether it's Christmas, some anniversary, birthday or other such couples event, their cluelessness astounds me.

The general question: "What are you getting [her] for [event]?"


Perhaps I shouldn't be so astounded, but my astonishment comes from the fact that they have been with this woman for enough time that an answer should come quickly, and the problem should not be what to do, but rather which of the many choices should they pick. Especially since these holidays do not just pop up. They are carefully planned Hallmark holidays, heavily advertised and promoted. I place their confusion in either of two categories:

(1) Being "men", they do not want to seem less manly to the other men by seeming to be able to pick out a proper way to celebrate the day, or...

(2) They aren't paying enough attention.

I pick #2.

Since life can be reduced to a Seinfeld episode, I turn to the one where Elaine is analyzing George's relationship with his girlfriend. When Elaine cannot figure out why George is with this girl, Jerry tells Elaine that "he doesn't like her as much as he likes it." There you have it. The little head thinking for the big head. Pay attention, men. It isn't that difficult.

Meanwhile, I will subdue my yearning to hit you with a chair, since some of us cannot be close to the one we love on Wednesday. Consider yourselves privileged, and stop whining about having to do something on these days and enjoy the fact that you have something to do. Ungrateful bastards.


Speaking of people who do not listen:

WASHINGTON - A new version of the dollar coin, paying tribute to American presidents, goes into general circulation Thursday. Even though doing away with the bill could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year in printing costs, there is no plan to scrap the bill in favor of the more durable coin. Two recent efforts to promote wide usage of a dollar coin proved unsuccessful. A quarter-century ago, it showed feminist Susan B. Anthony on the front; then one in 2000 featuring Sacagawea, the Shoshone Indian who helped guide the Lewis and Clark expedition.

Hoo-boy, another new dollar coin! They keep making these things, and we keep not using them. Most people would prefer that we do away with the penny, too. It costs more than a penny to make one, and other such coinage has been done away with, like the half-cent, three-cent nickel and two-cent piece - but the penny remains. It seems as if the people at the mint aren't listening, either...

U.S. Mint Director Edmund C. Moy said he was encouraged by the initial demand for the new coin.

Edmund ... another "man". Wake the f*** up. I wonder what he's getting his wife for Valentine's Day?

So, c'mon guys, a little effort, please. Don't make me have to hit you with a chair. For those of us who have spent the last eight of these holidays essentially alone, take it from me. It isn't that difficult to step up to the plate, make an effort and show another person that you care. Neither does it make you any less of a "man" to show some emotion or show that you really are listening. Of course, if you really aren't, then maybe you should be hit with a chair.

Just let me know where and when. I'm not doing anything on Wednesday.


Firestarter5 said...

We have a $1 coin (The Looney) and a $2 coin (The Twooney). Damn things are great!

supergirlest said...

i've been waiting for this post... i tend to regard v.d. as just another halmark holiday. yesterday we drove by a new rose business that opened up in a vacant quiktrip building. it was stacked to the the ceiling with these hideous huge white bears holding gigantic red hearts. there was one bear strapped to the front of a pick up truck in the lot facing the street to entice, i suppose. after i gagged, i told will, "please don't ever." not that he would, of course... i think i'd rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than to be the recipient of such a bear. it cracks me up - the "appropriate gift" for the holiday and all. blech.

i have to say - it's pretty sad that you've noticed that conversation on more than one occasion. how is it that two people can be married and have no idea what sort of gift to give? bizarro.

ANOTHER DOLLAR COIN?!?! i bet edmund'll be picking up a huge white bear on the way home...

Anthony said...

FS5: Hopefully, you Canadians know what to do with the coins.

SuperG: I've noticed that conversation on NUMEROUS occasions. They're just clueless. Sad, but true.

As for the coin ... other than the mass transit system, no one really has a use for them. The cashier trays don't accomodate them and people do not seem willing to use them, yet they are foist upon us ... as with the white bears.

Happy Valentine's Day.

SpanishGoth said...

Ha ha - the beauty of being a Goth not a "man". Every year I spend 2 weeks preparing by repeating that it is not a real holiday, flowers are 3 times the price, it's a waste of money etc.

Preparation is everything - flowers will have been purchased the day before and hidden, the card will contain a personal love poem written the same week and a gift of something I know my beloved would not buy herself as she considers an extravagance but I have mentally stored over the months.

Swing away with your chair dude - can't hit me ;-)

Pam said...

I wonder if this is an older man or long-term relationship thing. I've had had two experiences with male college students who were asking female students what they could do to knock their girlfriend's socks off! They seemed excited about getting her a gift/doing something special that she would really enjoy. Ah, young love!

If a gift is an obligation, I don't want it. And please, no damn over-priced flowers or heart-holding bears, assembled by children in China. BUT i will NEVER say no to chocolate! In fact, I may go buy some half-priced heart boxes of chocolates on Thursday!

Anthony said...

Obviously, it's not an older man/LT relationship issue.

The fact that those college kids had to ask someone else what to get for their girlfriend is testament enough.
They were probably excited about doing something nice, but why didn't they know what to do?

Pam said...

Um, new relationship maybe? And with all the advertising about what they *should* do, their heads have got to be spinning! Plus they are like TWENTYish. I know I didn't have a clue at that age.

So I can get behind a "maybe" on that one, but definitely not an "obviously".

kimmyk said...

i dont do valentine's day. i dont know why-i mean i do the whole happy valentine's day honey thing, but that's bout it.

i'm gonna have to pay attn with that new dollar coin. so i dont pass one off as a quarter. i didn't know there was even one coming out. i need to pay attn. more.

Anthony said...

Pam: What I was getting at was the general clueless nature of the men with regard to this stuff. Plus, since some treat it as a chore, you can't really expect them to put too much effort in. In either case, it's a bad situation, and it transcends length of relationship.

Kimmyk: Stop by the bank on Thursday and pick up a roll. Pas them yourself and confuse people. Be proactive. What good is making the money if you can't enjoy spending it? :-)

Kate Michele said...

Hmmm....... wonder if I could trade?? Such a sweet guy you are!!

bananas62 said...

Yes, they (men) don't generally have a clue about some things.. but then, some do... I think you just might be one who does!!! Anyway...Any holiday that promotes chocolate is a holiday for me!!! If you were closer, I'd share,, cuz I've got a stash.... stashed...!!!

Christy Forrester said...

LOL! You Rock!

I often think it is the Manly Man aspect that makes them "forget" or "not know what to get" I think "men" that fit this category of being unappreciative of the loving person in their life...are more afraid of being less manly in "her" eyes than anything. What mixed messages the must they receive from their education at Manly University and from the Media…and the "woman" in their life.
I have had boyfriends who purposefully "forgot" or got me the equivalent of a wrench for valentines day... and I could ALWAYS see the guilt in their they knew they could have and should have tried harder.
It is the same look I see in their eyes when I leave them for not being courageous enough to speak from their heart and for being more committed to “manliness” than me. I will always walk away from that…because if I am going to be alone in my relationship…well I’d rather be “alone alone”….and not have to be with the constant sad reminder of person who cannot share their heart.

BUT I would also like to say that I am not on board with the whole calendar and commercially driven obligatory gift days.

ALSO I have been single for the last 7 valentines days and I have to say that I wouldn't care if I didn't get flowers or some silly stuffed animal. I just want a heart that is true and the extraordinarily lucky chance to fit so well with another in life and love. Because that just doesn't happen that easy. I don't care what "" doesn't happen that easy...and if it may want to check yourself because most likely you just settled for a warm body.

If you have someone to love…who loves you back…please hold on to that and nurture that relationship. It is an opportunity of a life time…even though you may not know that until it is gone.

You are so right! Pennies are the cockroach of the monetary system!