Monday, September 4, 2006

Labor Day

Today is Labor Day, the most ironic holiday of them all. Since I am fortunate enough not to work in the service or retail industries, I have the day off. It's not a National holiday, since we don't have National holidays (not even Independence Day) it is a legal holiday. Legal holidays give employers the option to give employees the day off, or keep the business open. It is my opinion that there are way too many businesses open on legal holidays in this country.
Generally, the holiday is an excuse for a [Name the holiday] Sale, with incredible bargains that can only be had on the other 15 holidays and selected weekends that the store is open. God forbid, we can't get 15% off the price of a pair of shoes unless we shop on Labor Day.

The irony lies in the fact that generally, labor doesn't have Labor Day off. As usual, the crap gets thrown to the workers at the lower end of the wage scale, while the rest get the juice. Today, my local bank will be open, as well as the local convenience stores, restaurants, bars, supermarket and the Kohl's, Home Depot and the local shopping mall. All the people making minimum wage will be working today.

I know it would be impossible to shut down the country entirely for every holiday, but it seems as though there are way too many people working on holidays, and they aren't necessarily vital businesses. I think the country would survive a day without Kohl's.
Would it throw consumers into a panic if they couldn't shop for 12 hours?

Here's an idea: A national moratorium on doing business on Labor Day. If a cash register rings, the business is fined an amount equal to the sale. Give people a day off. Maybe then, we can work our way down to the other holidays - but, one at a time for now.

One thing about Labor Day is that it doesn't have a face. There is no endearing image that captivates us like there is for Independence Day or Easter.
Just this one:


kimmyk said...

I shopped all weekend, couldn't find a damn thing. Well, found some things but not what I was lookin for.

I hate when that happens.

Pam said...

Did you hear Bush wants to take away "overtime" pay?? How many times does he have to screw people over before there is an uprising to oust him? Really, is there some kind of mind control drug emitted through fox news airwaves or something?

Happy fucking labor day people!!

Kate Michele said...

I'm with you..though I was a little pifft when ALdi's [a grocery store, a cheap one] was closed today....when of all days I ran out of baby snacks!!

BUT...on the good side they were CLOSED on Labor Day!!

Anthony said...

Kate: We have ALdi's here too, but I don't know if they were open. I don't like to run out of snacks, either!

Pam: I saw Bushie today giving a speech. The headline said "Bush Bullish on Economy". But for a misplaced letter here or there, it was completely accurate.
Besides, what did they think, he was gonna say we were in trouble?