Monday, December 29, 2008

7 neighbors, no waiting.

I got shussed by my neighbors the other day. I'm making too much noise, apparently, and two out of my seven neighbors decided that I should be more quiet. Me. More quiet. That's like asking Louie Anderson to be fatter.
For those of you unaware, I am a condominium dweller. More so out of cost than preference. I'm intensely private, and there are times when the condo life is difficult for me - like when I have to socialize or deal with neighbors. I like suburban life, but I'd prefer it in a cave or some five-story building where the other 4 floors were used for storage.
It wasn't so much me as it was the music I was listening to. FYI, I listen to music through my fancy Bose computer speakers while I'm doing this. The walls of my condo are so paper-thin that the gigantic 2-inch speaker and it's little bass compartment rattled the walls at or near 1:00am on Saturday, keeping my downstairs and next door neighbors awake wondering what all the rumbling was.
Those must be some thin-ass walls, people.
Part of the charm of music is that it moves air. I've never enjoyed wearing headphones. I have good ones and I still don't enjoy it. They're uncomfortable, and I think they do more damage to your ears than listening to loud music moving air. I think I could find medical research to support me, but I don't have the energy to look it up.
My first clue should have been when I moved in, and my downstairs neighbor told me that when I'm at work, he can hear my cat walking around. He doesn't even wear shoes. I didn't tell him that Kitty moonlights as a dancer. Since I lost my ex's income, I'm putting him to work. My neighbors are nice people, but I think that maybe they need a noisy hobby to distract them from the racket he's making. Maybe chainsaw juggling or small engine repair?
Later, he told me that my recliner makes his TV jump. Honestly, I figure that one day the floor will just collapse under the considerable weight of my furniture, cat and various small appliances. Then, I'll have a nice duplex.
And one less neighbor.


susan said...

Ah yes, the neighbors and the paperthin walls.

My downstairs neighbor is 88 and is constantly playing records from the big band era. Full blast, she is deaf.

Before her, there was a nice couple, early twenties. Me and the ex heard them one night and voila- nine months later they had a girl.

And the neighbor on the side of me hears me in the toilet, as I hear him.

I would like to move, but I am rent controlled.

Happy New Year Anthony, to you and Kitty.

Kate Michele said...

how exactly does ones recliner make ones TV jump?
I'm gonna have to test this out heehee

Anthony said...

kate: It's either a cheap recliner or a cheap TV.
I think there's more fun to be had around here that doesn't involve the recliner.