Then, I got another handy reminder from my buddies at Amazon. You remember the last one, and how much I appreciated that. This one I opened with a bit more trepidation [really]...
My next e-mail came from somebody named Ashlee.
In an effort to kill time while waiting for American Idol to go off the air, I'm thumbing through photos of last night's Golden Globes Awards. Yet another awards show, and another chance for Hollywood to pat itself on the back. What struck me was the idea that there are a fair amount of people who can earn a substantial living solely based on their looks. They don't have to do much other than just show up, and they're cashing checks. Especially this one, who, as far as I'm concerned, isn't really that hot. But I wonder, was the hotel in Paris named after her, or is she named after the hotel in Paris?
In the wake of Martin Luther King day, I'd like to think we have made great strides in the area of appearance and social behavior, but the truth is, we treat people differently based on how they look. Try as we might, and legislation notwithstanding, the way people look goes a long way toward how they are treated by society.
Attractive women can talk themselves out of traffic violations with policemen. Doctors, lawyers and other professional people are judged (at least at first) by their gender and race. Generally, they have to prove themselves to us before we realize that they are capable (or not) regardless of their race, gender or sexual persuasion.
The Civil Rights Movement did a lot to move the government toward legislating equality for people of every race, and the Women's Rights Movement during the last century did similar things for the rights of women, but has it really changed the way people think? it says here that it has not.
People will think as they please, but because there is a law, their thoughts are now legislated. While the legislation is good, it does nothing to regulate the actual thoughts. If people were free to do as they think, we might still be treating people differently because they are a different color than the people making the rules around here.
My point is proved by every jackass at work who makes a racial joke, and you want to hit him with a chair, but you can't, because you have to work with this asshole, and the government says you're right and he's wrong, regardless of what he says. So, you live with it, and hope that the law works.
Try your best to see the person, while you work at looking beyond their color or whatever you believe is the most obvious outward part of their personality. It's difficult, but in the end, it will be worth your effort. That guy who is really good in bed might be a middle-aged, balding guy who can write well, but maybe not express himself well in certain social situations. While the more obvious choice, the hunky hair-mess, might be living off his looks, and not have to try as hard because women are so drawn to his outsides, that his insides might be corroding, like Dorian Gray.
Didn't see that coming, after the tranny stuff, eh? I told you I was a complex individual.
WOW...Ok, first Brag Brag Brag.... brag away!!! It could make for a really interesting post.
Second, I cant' stand Paris Hilton! I don't hate many people, hardly any, no need to put any more hate out there...but for HER I can send some more out.
Third, Hell yeah appreance matters... it shouldn't but it does....take your American Idol you mentioned...when the hot girls walk in to adution both male judges are excited and they get put through even though they wern't THAT great of singers....when the chubby adverage girls walk through they show the male judges rolling their eyes! ARRRRGGGHHHH.....and this is teaching our young impressionable youth exactly what???
It's teaching them that they should be watching Keith Olbermann.
Brag? How did you know which middle-aged balding man I was talking about?
Keith is the Man....I find him so attractive.
A guess on the middle aged balding man. A girl has her instincts, her guesses....Either way you need to brag...prove me right.....
I do believe there is a link between testosterone levels and male pattern baldness, so you may be on to something there ;-).
It's the balding WOMEN who really have it tough, I bet.
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