My Sick Mind
Random thoughts and questions that probably shouldn't be thought of or questioned.
Friday, March 21, 2025
For Absent Friends
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Do You Remember?
There was a post on Twitter … ahem … X today from the Phillies. It showed some kids holding up their cell phones at Bryce Harper, with the caption “Remember.” Which, of course, got me to thinking.
If we’re running around with our cell phones out, recording every possible encounter, are we remembering it later or just being reminded of it? There is a huge difference.
When I was a kid - in the 1960s - we didn’t take a lot of family photos, and the only time dad’s movie camera came out was at Christmas, where he could blind me with the giant spotlights in my face.
The point is, I remember that stuff. All that stuff from my childhood. I remember it. I didn’t put it on YouTube or attach it to an Instagram story. It happened to me, and it’s in my memory. That’s part of what remember means.
“Hey, you remember that time we did that thing?”
“Yeah - I got it all on video.”
But mostly they say “filming” which is odd, since we haven’t used film in decades, and most of the kids saying “I’m filming this” have NEVER used film. And yet, the expression survives. More odd behavior from the humans.
And, I wonder if most of the things I remember would look the same to me if I somehow could see them on video? I might be surprised at how differently I pictured it in my head years later. Memory tends to mask-out details and only leaves room for broad spectrum stuff. That’s what make memories fun, At least when they’re good memories.
We would all like to erase the bad ones.
Friday, June 24, 2022
Death and Dying
I would have thought that going through the death of my mother would be just “another experience,” but as usual, my assumptions were incorrect.
She died almost a year ago - August - and the effects of watching her demise and ultimately watching her die have made irreparable impressions on me.
I was a child of nine years when my father died. He died at home, in our living room, and I watched it. The slow, impenetrable loss of life made an impression, but it wasn’t until many years later that it would make itself known.
As a kid, I had no understanding of death - what it was, how it happened, or what happens afterward. I remember feeling almost nothing, and later feeling like something had changed, but I wasn’t certain what. Eventually, it dawned on me that I no longer had a father, or a father-figure. Mom tried to replace that with friends and family, but I was already too shut-off from people that I couldn’t accept their gestures. I don’t know if they were awkward or if it was my reticence that made them eventually amount to zero.
From then until … well, now … I have had to live a life without a man to relate any feelings to or find a common ground about … well, now … being a man. So, here I am as the person before you. Good or bad, it’s, as they say, the way it is.
Dad’s death was more of an eventual calamity than immediate. At least for me it was. Mom had a much harder time with it, losing her lover, her provider, and her rock. Dad and I were as close as we could be, but there is nothing that compares with the love of a husband and wife - at least I hope so.
When mom died last year, I thought I would - just as eventually - get over the idea that I no longer have her in my life. After all, she was 96 and, aren’t people supposed to feel as though they’ve lived a “full life” by then? I don’t know.
What has happened instead, is that I struggle with my own mortality. At the age of 64, I am most certainly on the back-nine of life. MAYBE I have a good 20 years left? Compared to the ones behind me, it’s a drip in the ocean. Besides which, I haven’t exactly lived the “full life” as advertised.
Have any of us? Have we achieved any of the things that we sought? At this point, I feel as though I have lived a mostly wasted life, and I’m contemplating what it is - exactly - that we’re supposed to be doing here.
Let me know when you figure it out.
Monday, January 25, 2021
The New Audio
If you’re old - like me, you remember buying stereo equipment. And, like me, you remember spending a lot of money on what looked like great stereo equipment, only to find that it was ... well ... mediocre stereo equipment.
In the 1970s, we knew what the “Good Stuff” was. McIntosh, Marantz, high-end Sony - the stuff that we saw in Stereo Review magazine. Those full-page ads with mouth-drooling stuff that we couldn’t afford if we took-out a small business loan.All I can remember is seeing that stuff, and knowing that I couldn’t afford it, and going to a low-end stereo store (like at the Mall) and buying a rack of stuff by Panasonic that came in twelve boxes, with speakers that could have substituted as furniture. If I paid $400 (1976 dollars) for a giant rack system, I felt like a winner. That was substantially better than spending $1,000 for a McIntosh amp, where I’d still have to spend another $1,500 for qualified speakers and a Dual or Audio-Technica turntable. Somehow, that Panasonic turntable would have to make-do, even though it was probably gradually destroying my records every time I put them on the damned thing. Such was the life of a minimum-wage earner in the mid-1970s.
As it was, the Panasonic system that I bought (similar to the photo above) was QUADRAPHONIC, and as such, well above my pedestrian (although semi-sophisticated, since I read the magazines) skill level. The only quadrophonic album I owned was Mike Oldfield’s “Tubular Bells,” and since I didn’t have the requisite quadrophonic pre-amp (what the HELL was that?) I only had a pseudo-quad system, in that I had four speakers, but they were really two-channel stereo. Still, they took-up a quarter of my bedroom, so I guess the “quad” thing applied, somehow.
Over the years, I went through a couple of turntables. Grew from buying “needles” to “cartridges,” and learned the difference between sapphire and diamond, but never adapted to the noise and fragility of the vinyl record.
I also went through several different record-cleaning devices, eventually settling-on dish soap, warm water, and a terry cloth towel. All that futuristic crap of sprays, sponges, and cloths (that I also read about in the magazines) was pointless, and a waste of money that I could have spent on a better sound system.
And then ... like a beacon of light in the darkness, came the Compact Disc. Sure, we sacrificed the 12” x 12” album artwork, but hey - it was a COMPACT ... DISC. No scratches, no noise, no dish soap. Just a disc that I put in a player and it sounded the same EVERY TIME.
They were about four times the price of my old albums, and the player was another expense. I spent $125 for a single-disc CD player, and it was the cheapest one I could find. The first disc I bought was King Crimson’s “Larks Tongues in Aspic,” and I couldn’t wait to hear it noise-free through my $400 Panasonic semi-quadrophonic sound system. I was in sonic heaven.
I skipped-over the cassette tape and 8-track “revolution.” Cassette tapes were more of a convenience for cars, and were a major pain-in-the-ass to anyone trying to find the third song on an album. 8-track tapes were just stupid from the start. Mid-song, they would fade-out - make a loud clicking noise - and fade back in. We were supposed to enjoy that. I owned many cassette player/recorders, but never owned an 8-track player. I had my limits.
And so, here we are - in 2021. Vinyl records have made a comeback, even though I can put my entire record collection (vast as it is) on my iPhone. Noise-free, and with a simple $10 subscription to Apple Music, I can listen to anything with just a search and click. No more standing in line at the record store, waiting for the new releases to come out, only to come home and find that the record skipped, and I’d have to either deal with it (penny on the tone arm) or take it back.
Purists (whom I used to consider myself) would tell you that vinyl is “pure,” but people my age would tell you that the convenience and simplicity of electronic media is so much better, that I don’t give a crap about your purity.
Over the last 50 or so years, I have been through several forms of media. Records, tapes, CDs, mp3 ... and I have no idea what the next 50 years holds, but I’m happy to point-and-click and listen to whatever I want to hear without traveling to a record store or going through the agony of preserving the media and spending a small fortune on equipment.
So, go ahead and believe that vinyl is some sort of God-given path to music. For me, I’ll continue to appreciate the convenience that technology has given me, and never again have to go back to scratchy records and storage.
Sometimes, you have to go through the agony of the process to appreciate the convenience of technology.
Saturday, January 23, 2021
My New Appreciation for Retail
Friday, December 25, 2020
Christmas Memories
1995. Nearly a century ago. I was married, and figuring that the end was near. The wife had already “forgotten” my birthday in October, and I was half-heartedly shopping for a Christmas gift that would ultimately disappoint her.
I can’t recall what I bought - doesn’t matter, really - but I do remember what she had for me. It is forever etched in my memory, unlike so many other Christmas gifts past.
Our tradition (such as it was) was to open gifts on Christmas Eve, supposedly to save us the fuss of the Christmas morning ritual, I don’t know, really. We had a tree. A real one, because she insisted, so OK, we went out and I cut down a tree. The reward was pine needles in our living room. That is beside the point.
Whatever I had gotten for her was brought out. I suspect it was a sweater or some other conservative, concealing article of clothing. I wouldn’t dare buy her anything suggestive like a negligee or anything from Victoria’s Secret. She had her own secret, which would become obvious as the years passed. But, that is beside the point.
Under my portion of the tree were four boxes, each identically shaped and sized. My suspicion turned-out to be realized - that they were four boxes of alcohol. Two bottles of vodka, a bottle of rum, and a bottle of Jack Daniel’s. Truth be known, she would have been better-off with four bottles of vodka. Puzzled, I thanked her (in my way) and went about my business.
Less than a week later, I was on my way home and I could see from the road that the light was on in our condo. Customarily, she would stop at her mother’s house after work, so seeing her at home before six was odd. Nevertheless, I proceeded to my regular gym routine, not really thinking much of the light. At around six-thirty, I got home, and the lights were out. Hmm. That’s strange, right?
When you are accustomed to a certain environment, you know that something is wrong the second you walk in. I could see through to our back room, and noticed that a framed photo that was on the wall was no longer there. Immediately, I noticed that several other things were not “as usual.” After looking around a little, I saw a note on the bedroom dresser:
I know that I will never be able to fill your needs. Take care of the cat, He is very special. - Robin
So there it was. Perhaps the most cowardly way to exit. Obviously, she had faked going to work, and had instead spent the day packing-up and moving - bit by bit - back to her parents’ house. It must have taken at least until six o’clock, and I always wondered what would have happened if I had trusted my instincts and, instead of doing the gym thing, I had turned around and just went home. Spilled milk.
Back to the four bottles of alcohol. As we agreed, in order for her to agree to return, I would attend counseling sessions with her. We met with the counselor for an hour or so, and toward the end, the counselor said, “I don’t think you two should be married to each other.” I found that odd, since (I thought) the counselor had only known us for an hour or so, but how can you argue with logic?
During the session, I brought-up the alcohol. I said, “I suspected that the reason she bought me four bottles of booze was that she knew she was leaving, and wanted to give me something to drown my sorrows.” The counselor turned to her, and she said, “Yes, that’s right.”
Little did I know, she had seen the counselor previously, on her own, but I didn’t know that until months later when I found a receipt for payment that was dated a month prior to my first meeting. Pre-meditated. And yes, she came back, but by March of 1996 she was gone again. This time, bravely in person, leaving me and the cat in her wake.
Prior to the Christmas of 1995, I wasn’t very excited about the holiday. The stress, and ultimately its anti-climax usually left me wanting. I discovered that wanting was a wasted emotion. To this day, I’m not very good at accepting gifts or asking for help. It’s part of my nature. But that Christmas soured me on it completely, irreparably and with nobody to struggle over buying a gift for, I was left orphaned from the holiday. We never had children and I have had girlfriends over the years, but the last ten years (at least) have been bereft of physical or emotional contact. The holiday comes and goes. I don’t blame her, but she certainly did not contribute to my overall happiness. You can research this blog for the Amazing Stories of My Marriage.
But, I did take very good care of the cat.